Test Details
Book WIDAL TEST test in Tirupathi
Patient Preparation:No special preparation is required
Widal test detects the presence of Typhoid fever in you.
Why Take this Test
To get tested for typhoid and paratyphoid fever.
Is this Test For You
Your doctor would recommend this test for you if you show signs of flu like symptoms:
high fever
abdominal pain
weight loss
More Information
The Widal test is one method that may be used to help make a presumptive diagnosis of enteric fever, also known as typhoid fever. It is still in use in many developing countries where enteric fever is endemic and limited resources require the use of rapid, affordable testing alternatives
A positive Widal Blood Test may indicate:
Infection with S. enterica
Vaccination against S. enterica
Enteric fever, or typhoid fever, if the associated symptoms are present
Sample: Serum (2 mL)
Methodology: Tube Agglutination / Slide Agglutination