Test Details
Patient Preparation:"Note 1: Preparation of PPP : 12 -14 Hrs. (Overnight) fasting is preferred. Centrifuge the blood sample at 3000rpm for 10 minutes within 1 hr. of collection to separate the plasma. Transfer the Plasma obtained to a clean plastic tube using a plastic tipped pipette avoiding buffy coat & centrifuge it again at 3700 rpm & finally transfer the PPP into fresh, clean & labelled plastic tubes which contains <10,000 cells/cu. mm. Note 2: Discontinue Heparin for 1 day and oral anti coagulants for 7 days prior to sampling. Discontinuation should be with prior consent from treating physician"
APTT test is done to check clotting factors deficiency
Why Take this Test
It should be measured to investigate a bleeding or thrombotic episode. It helps evaluate the risk of excessive bleeding prior to a surgical procedure. Also, to monitor heparin anticoagulant therapy.
Is this Test For You
Your health practitioner may recommend this test for you if you show symptoms of prolonged and excessive bleeding which includes:
Frequent nosebleeds
Blood in urine
Heavy menstruation for women
Painful and swollen joints
Easy bruising
More Information
The activated partial thromboplastin time is a functional measure of the intrinsic and usual pathways of the clotting cascade. To form blood clots, to seal off injuries, to blood vessels and tissue, to restrict further blood loss, and to give the damaged areas time to seal the body using the coagulation cascade. The cascade contains a group of clotting factors. These proteins are activated serially along either the extrinsic or intrinsic pathways.
Sample: Citrate Plasma (3 mL)
Methodology: Electromechanical clot detection.