Rate your experience

Dear valued client,
We would greatly appreciate receiving your feedback. This will help us provide the best quality services. Your feedback will remain confidential and anonymous. Please select the rating that best corresponds to your level of satisfaction with each of the statement below: For example, you are highly satisfied, select 5. If you are not at all satisfied, please select 1.

Please rate your overall experience - Please rate us on a scale of 1-5 *

  • Home Collection booking navigation process *

  • Easiness to operate and understand to App*

  • Information on booking confirmation and technician contact detail*

  • Getting the call or SMS in case of technician delay *

  • Punctuality of Technician (Reach on scheduled time)*

  • Did our front office executive provide the correct/appropriate information? *

  • Reports were delivered within the promised time *

  • Did you get an update in advance from our side in case of a delay in the report? *

  • Are you satisfied with report quality and description? *

  • Would you recommend a friend relative to Vijaya Diagnostic Centre?*

  • How do you come to know about Vijaya Diagnostic Centre? *

  • Overall experience on the services received at Vijaya Diagnostic Centre *

0 of 12 Answered