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Prostate Overview

The prostate gland, although the size of a walnut or a plum, holds significant importance in both male urinary system and reproductive system. The prostate lies in front of the rectum and below the bladder. This roughly conical or heart shaped gland is wider at the top and narrower at the bottom. A healthy prostate weighs about 30 grams. Prostate may tend to grow as men age (especially over the age of 40) and changes in the prostate size have been associated with urinary problems in men. The prostate gland plays

The prostate gland is typically divided into five lobes or zones, namely:

  • Peripheral zone: This is the largest part of the prostate and surrounds the urethra. It is where most prostate cancers originate.
  • Central zone: This part of the prostate surrounds the ejaculatory ducts and is located near the transition zone.
  • Transition zone: The transition zone of the prostate encircles the urethra near the bladder. The transition zone is largely responsible for the prostate’s enlargement as men age. In some cases, this can lead to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
  • Anterior Fibromuscular stroma: This part lies at the front of the prostate and contains mostly fibrous tissue.
  • Posterior fibromuscular stroma: This part also consists of fibrous tissues but it lies at the back of the prostate.