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Overview of Bones:

Bones are the rigid, connective tissues that make up the human skeleton, providing structure, support, and protection for our bodies.Bones are composed of living tissue, primarily collage, and minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, which give them strength and density.

The human body normally has 206 bones at adulthood. At birth, babies have around 270 bones but some of these bones fuse together as the child grows, resulting in the count of 206 bones at adulthood. However, the number of bones may vary slightly from person to person due to differences in bone development and fusion.

Bones are not just static structures. They are constantly undergoing a process of renewal and change known as bone remodeling. This process involves the removal of old bone tissue and the replacement of it with new bone tissue, ensuring that bones remain strong and healthy over time.

Additionally, most bones house a bone marrow. It is a soft & spongy tissue within the bone cavities. It serves as the primary site for the production of blood cells including red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.